Business and Personal Insurance Experts
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July 27, 2012
As record temperatures, and in some states drought, affect various types of businesses nationwide, it is important to learn from these disasters. Business insurance needs to protect you in the case of a loss.
Natural disasters and events out of our control are a reminder that businesses large and small need to have risk management programs in place. These programs need to involve comprehensive insurance policies that encompass all the risks that are inherent to your business.
For example, across the US the drought is seriously damaging the soybean industry. Currently, only 85 percent of soybean acres in the United States are covered by crop insurance. This potential loss needs to serve as a reminder to business owners to have their commercial insurance policies reviewed.
Weather conditions, fire, flood, theft and other issues that are outside the control of business owners need to be covered by a comprehensive insurance policy that covers your potential risks.
To have your insurance policy reviewed or to add additional coverage, contact TriState Business Insurance.
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